Spiritual Artist

Beth Pfeffer

Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer

Reiki Master / Teacher
ThetaHealing® Technique Practitioner
Intuitive Communicator / Spiritual Artist

Healing for the Awakened and the Awakening

Alternative Healer
Reiki Healer
Holistic Healer
Spiritual Healer

My Healing Art Collection

The pieces in my spiritual art collection are all channeled through meditation.  My clients use these paintings to support their healing through the energetic properties that each one provides.

Star Seed

As a Pleiadean, StarSeed does not identify with a specific gender that we can relate to as human beings.  This entity works with those who wish to usher in a new, positive energy and to receive technologies that will nourish our planet back to health.

Archangel Michael

One of the most widely known and beloved angels, his purpose relates directly to helping humanity.  Many people have called on him in moments of need because his guidance is easy to sense and to hear.

Mary of Nazareth

Also known as the Divine Mother and The Virgin Mary, her role as the human mother of Jesus has endeared her to the hearts of millions of people worldwide.

Shaman Kiania

An indigenous Amazonian Shaman, Kiania, whose name means The Dawn, reminds us to honor the wisdom of the ancient cultures that came before us.

Shaman Hantaywee

Her name meaning The Faithful, this Native American Shaman assists us with our sacredness and trust, and with letting go of unhelpful beliefs.

Archangel Azrael

Known as the Angel of Death and Rebirth, his primary responsibility lies in helping souls cross-over after death.  He brings forth Universal Healing Energy, so you will always be offered great love and comfort.  Archangel Azrael’s name means Whom God Helps.

Archangel Ariel

Known as the Angel of Prosperity and Abundance, Ariel oversees nature and shows up with pink, white, and golden colors, and her nature is gentle and persistent.

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